Thursday, December 09, 2004


Naming a blog

It turned out to be just as hard as I expected. Since I was trying to come up with a name the day after a particularly rapid moodswing, rollercoaster sprang to mind. But rollercoaster is a bipolar lesbian it turns out. I suppose so. She has also given up writing her blog, which is more than can be said for yoyo who never really started. yoyoyo had got as far as "yo listen up mother" and then, "this is a test". yoyoyoyo's comment on the world was, "ack, work, work, work!". At this point, my frustration outweighed my desire to find out the longest string of yos that was already registered.

After a few other lame ideas, I wondered whether it wouldn't be better to name a blog for where I'd like to be rather than where I am. Which is when If I had my life to live over came to mind. It's inspired me for years. I just need to read it more often, I think.

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